Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Picture day!

What a fun day it was today! Monthly the orphanage has picture day where we get a good picture of every kid in the orphanage to send to their sponsors and to their adoptive families in their updates. So, today we got the kids in their diapers and had a ‘bath time’ photo shoot with all 60 kids! That meant lots of baby lotion, diaper changes, cheering and clapping for kids’ attention and lots of funny moments! With it being picture day, it made the day go by so fast because it took up nearly all day with the kids! 
This afternoon I was able to bring up my little Miss W. who was sleeping the day away yesterday so she didn’t get out. The entire time here we have been giving Miss W LOTS of time on her feet because she is so close to walking. She is 2 years old and really behind for her age. But, that all changed today! She took her first steps all by herself! I could not be more proud of my little princess! She took about 3 steps and slightly freaked out a bit because she realized what she did. I had to catch my breath cause I didn’t realize she actually did it! Then lots of cheering ensued from all of us volunteers to make her realize she did something great. After that she did it about 10 more times taking about 10 steps each was such a sight to watch...AND we got those precious moments in video too! I felt so much like a mom and it brought me to tears. I can’t wait to have more moments like this in my future! :) 
Tonight we are eating popcorn made over the stove and watching The Help. Another bit of home as it is one of my favorite snacks and movies! Hard to believe I have 3 more full days with my babies...I have fallen so in love with each and every one of them! 
Please PRAY for continued strength in each day. PRAY that God is preparing me for saying goodbye and for making the transition into teaching. 
Something I enjoy telling my babies is something you also need to hear too...
”You is Kind, You is Smart, You is Important!” 

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