Saturday, May 19, 2012

Just wanted to check in and update everyone again. Today was exhausting, it consisted of a date to the waffle window with Kenzie & Larisa, some last quality time before summer begins. Baccalaureate chapel and lunch then onto packing my whole room up and loading it (almost) all into my car and saying goodbye to my junior year at Multnomah. It is crazy to think that another year has flown by so fast without me even realizing it. This time next year, I will be graduating and not moving back into the dorms. That's just sad to think about.

Saying goodbye to Junior year made me think again how quickly time goes. How fast things go by when we don't even realize it. This made me realize that my time in Haiti is, 6 weeks yes, but that is going to fly by as well. I might just blink and it will all be over. My prayer now is that I will enjoy each and every moment of my time in Haiti. Not wasting anytime while I am there and that I choose to have a good attitude and love my babies and students each and everyday.

Then I got to thinking, how much we waste our life. Before we know it we will be gone. Earth is our temporary home. God did that for a purpose. We aren't gonna be around forever. So, why do we so often live like we are? It is my hope and prayer that spending time in Haiti makes me realize this in bigger and better ways.

Time. Something we often take for granted can also be our worst nightmare. What are you going to do with the time that God is giving you to live for him? It is my new challenge to take every day for what it is worth and to 'live it up' with no regrets. No regrets.

In 43 hours, my flight takes off for Haiti. In 992 hours, my flight from California will land in Seattle and my adventure will be over. Please pray with me that I learn to understand time. And to not take any of it for granted.

What am I going to do for the next 43 hours? Well, I need to unpack everything, then repack, going to the bank and a few other stores, go shopping for diapers and flinstones gummy vitamins for children and hopefully get some sleep too!

Thank you so much for all your support you have poured into my life and my trip to Haiti. I could not have done it without such faithful and loving family and friends!

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