Wednesday, May 16, 2012

"I will Follow"

I figured it out! I found a song that is meant for me during my time in Haiti. I was listening to my pandora station on shuffle this afternoon as I packed and this song came on and I knew God wanted this one to be my song. For some reason at THAT moment it was as if God was saying my name and calling out, 'this is for you Jennica.' It is exactly where I am in my walk with the Lord. Surrendering complete control to the Lord and trusting He will guide me as needed. The song was 'I will Follow' by Christ Tomlin. In an interview, Chris Tomlin explains the story behind this song. 

'Isn’t that still what it means for anyone to follow Jesus? It means that we lay down our own agendas and hopes and dreams, and faithfully obey day by day. It’s a daily dying to self—the crucifying of our own petty and self-centered desires so that we might more clearly reflect Christ to the people around us. In the end, it’s not about bravado and bold statements. It’s about simple, ongoing obedience to the words of our Lord. To say “I will follow” is really not so different from saying “Help me every hour to die to my own desires, Jesus, so that you can live more fully through me.”'   
(Taken from
This is what my trip to Haiti is all about. Me surrendering all of my desires, my own hopes and dreams so that I can be in line with what God's dreams and desires are for my life. I can't wait to see what God is going to teach me through this trip. 

Here are the lyrics...I will never hear this song again without thinking of Haiti...

Where you go, I'll go 
Where you stay, I'll stay 
When you move, I'll move 
I will follow... 

All your ways are good 
All your ways are sure 
I will trust in you alone 
Higher than my side 
High above my life 
I will trust in you alone 

Where you go, I'll go 
Where you stay, I'll stay 
When you move, I'll move 
I will follow you 
Who you love, I'll love 
How you serve I'll serve 
If this life I lose, I will follow you 
I will follow you 

Light unto the world 
Light unto my life 
I will live for you alone 
You're the one I seek 
Knowing I will find 
All I need in you alone, in you alone 

In you there's life everlasting 
In you there's freedom for my soul 
In you there joy, unending joy 
and I will follow


  1. Awesome, Jennica! I love it!
    HEy!--I'm so happy to have found your blog! I didn't notice it at the bottom of your "Haiti Bound" letter that I received at church, until this morning!

    Praying for you, sista! I look forward to reading more of your previous posts when I get some more down time today! :0)

    linda (and the girls!)

  2. Thanks Linda! I have fun writing in my down time and this is such a great way to share what God is teaching me with the world!

    Glad you found my blog...sorry you didn't see it until today! But I am glad you found it non-the-less!

    Thanks so much for praying for me..I so appreciate it and I know it is what is getting me through my days! Love you guys and give the girls a hug and hi from me!


  3. Praying for you Jennica. You are so brave! :) Wendy Johnson

    1. Thanks Wendy! And no, I am not brave...God is going before me and THAT is my source of comfort! I love you and looking forward to seeing you in the fall!
