It has officially been three weeks since I got home from Haiti. It is so hard to believe that just three weeks ago I was leaving a whole other country to come home to my family and America. So many emotions and so many thoughts and feelings are constantly swarming my is simply overwhelming.
It has been nice to come home and see my family and hang out with them. And it has also been fun to see my friends again and spend time with them as well. But, everything is different. It doesn't feel the same. It is wonderful being home and I am loving it...but a part of me feels like a piece of my heart is still with my babies. I am so torn now...something I have never experienced before. Since Haiti, everything doesn't seem as important. All the things that used to stress me out don't even phase me. They just don't seem as important as loving on my babies in Haiti. It's almost as if a part of me is missing now.
There isn't a day that goes by that I don't think of my little angels and wonder how they are doing. I am constantly seeing little things that bring me right back to my patio in Haiti. I would give anything to hold one of my babies again, and can only hope that I get to go back and do so again.
I am excited to finally be able to share with my friends and family about my trip to Haiti. I will be showing pictures, a video and other small things that I brought back from Haiti. Consider this your invitation to come and hear about my adventures in Haiti. The missions night will be at my church at 6:30 this Sunday. The youth mission trip will share as well as one it will be a night full of hearing what God is doing around the world through missions.
Isaiah 6:8 "Also I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, Whom shall I send, and who will go for us? then said I, Here am I; send me."
Hope you enjoy these sneak peak pictures!
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