Friday, March 30, 2012

51 days

Wow. What an insane few weeks of the semester. I feel like once March hit everything went at a MILLION miles an hour and didn't slow down until this week. It is always amazing to see how much God provides as I look back over past weeks and months of life. Whenever life really starts to overwhelm me, I always remember what God has brought me through in the past and it helps me refocus a bit. 

Something we learned in Acts-Philemon reminded me of this. Christiansen was explaining what HOPE means. Hope means knowing that sometime will happen. BECAUSE God has blessed me and provided for me in the past, I know that God will bless me and provide for me in the future. It is so amazing to see God work. 

In the midst of stressing out about my Haiti trip and wondering what this whole experience will entail, I am remembering how God has provided me the strength to make it through the semester. God knows what will happen in Haiti. God will provide for everything I need for Haiti...and I can't wait to see what He is going to do. 

Since the last time I wrote, things have changed. I will be flying out on May 20th and will be arriving in Port-au-Prince Haiti on May 21st. I will be working with God's Littlest Angels, an orphanage with about 100 children. I will be given about 5-6 kids and I basically get to be their mom while I am with them. I will take each child for an hour a day and help them with whatever developmental needs they may have. The orphanage tells me that I might watch some of the babies learn how to crawl, some will take their first steps and others will learn to speak. I am so stoked that I get to be a mom to several little babies...I can't wait to meet them! 

On June 11th, I will be going to stay with Mason & Lauren Young. I will be helping them teach a summer english program for Seminary students. This is a six-week course but I will be there for the second half of it. I am so excited to be able to teach with them because Lauren's cousin Jamie will be coming to teach as well. This will be the first time in over 10 years that Jamie, Lauren and me will be able to spend some quality time together like we did growing up. Their organization is called CrossWorld. I am still waiting to hear more specific details of what I will be doing there but I am very excited to have this opportunity as well. 

I will be flying back home late June 29th. It will be a long 6 weeks away but I am sure that it will go by fast. I am so blessed that God has opened the door for me to be able to do this and I can't wait to see what He is going to do both in me and through me. 

Today I got my shots and begin my Thyroid immunization. The closer it gets the more real this is actually becoming. My arms are still sore and it is a reminder of how real this really is. God is doing amazing things in preparing me for the trip both emotionally and financially. It has been amazing to see God provide in ways that I couldn't have even imagined. 51 more days until I can't come soon enough! 

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