Monday, November 14, 2011

The Beginning...

Well, here it first blog post. I don't even know where to begin. God has been teaching me so much the last few months of my life and I need to start sharing my story because I know God has a bigger and better plan than I here it is...

On August 30th, we had an All Dorm Meeting. Our school counselor came in and read us a poem about transformation and moving on. (Honestly, I don't remember much about the poem itself...I remember more of the amount of tears it made me produce...and yet that was just the beginning). She asked us the following question and asked us to respond to that question...below is what I wrote in my journal. 

What do you want to leave behind? 

Leaving behind things is hard to do when you try. Often we leave things behind when we don't mean to. Why is it so hard to let go of things when we try? Is it the Holy Spirit prompting us to remember how we have changed? Maybe it's the grip that Satan has on our soul...forcing us to remember our sins...hoping for our return to that sin. Maybe we can't leave things behind because of the fear of the unknown. Leaving things behind brings about change, growth and stretching...all of which are hard to go through and yet are essential elements that God uses to shapen us into someone more like Him...good ol' sanctification! Leaving things behind and becoming a new and transformed being into someone more like Him is what we are Christians are called to do. Change our lives on earth to represent Christ and who He the question is...Why are we afraid to change? 

Little did I know God was preparing me for a lot of change in the following weeks and months. This question still haunts me..."why are we afraid to change?" Especially when the changing is for the better, why are we afraid of it? I know God has a plan for what he is having me walk through, yet, a part of me doesn't feel ready.

My blog will be stories of how God is working in my life. I realized that my story is too good to keep to that's what this blog is for. I am a little nervous to share my heart like this, but I love writing and I want to share this gift to the world. I am anxious and terrified to see what else God is planning on teaching me this year...but I know God is faithful, and that he loves me very in some strange sorta way...I am ready! 

1 comment:

  1. Girl!! I am SOOOOO excited for you! Blogging is such a great way to process and record everything the Lord has done. Be prepared to be stretched in ways you haven't imagined. :) It's great cause He's got us through it the whole time.

    I wanted to thank you for posting on this topic :) It is a great reminder to live for today and not hold on to the past. (which is what I often do.) Anywho! I am SOOOO excited to follow and be a part of all that God is doing and going to do in your life ♥
