Sunday, February 21, 2016

A Surrendered Life

This week I had the privilege of sharing with a youth group in Portland about Singleness. I was a bit taken aback when I was first asked because no one talks about Singleness...who was I to share my story when I feel like I am SO not good at trusting Christ. I quickly, though nervously, said yes and I had no idea what God would teach me in the process. 

We often wait till we are 'there' to look back and learn what God is doing. This time, I wanted to think about what God is doing while still on the journey to surrenderWe each have things we long for and have to let go of. For me, that looks like the desire to be a wife and mom someday. For others it could be a job promotion, the new car or nice house. Trusting God with your kids - when you first give them the keys to your car. I realized this week that we all have those 'things' we long for and dream about and have to surrender to the Lord and what His plans entail. It's a life-long journey of surrender.

This week, I got to celebrate and remember God's faithfulness. He has blessed my socks off with the life He has given me and who am I to say that that isn't enough because it isn't what I plan and what I want. I shared an excerpt from my favorite children's book, Hinds Feet on High Places by Hannah Hurnard. This is a story of a young girl named, Much-Afraid. She is on a journey following the Good Shepherd and how He promises her to take her to the High Places. This excerpt is in the chapter entitled: To Full Surrender. 
"This time, instead of just laying down her own desires, Much-Afraid laid her whole self on that altar. She gave her crooked feet, her twisted mouth, and her fearing heart. She gave all her hopes and dreams for ever getting to the High Places. She gave all that she was and all that she would ever be. There came a flame from somewhere that seemed to burn deep within her heart. A beautiful sense of peace filled her and she fell asleep." 
This week, I was reminded that God doesn't just ask us to give Him our plans and hopes for the future. Though this is true, there is so much more. He wants us to surrender our lives...our hearts because only HE can hold them perfectly under His control. To surrender our whole selves to the good good Father we have. 

I was recently at a wedding where the Maid of Honor shared an encouraging text the Bride sent her. I asked for it after and now have it posted in my house. The two were talking about the lack of good Christian guys around...the Bride texted this: 
"...I know there are adequate reasons to be cynical of the Christian men arrayment. the supply really the issue?! Is God not powerful enough to bring us men out of thin air if He wanted?? He is....What is He trying to teach us by this? We may never know...but I do know that He is not a with holder of good."
That last sentence...not a with holder of good. Amen! How true is this?! God really does have our BEST in mind...thus allowing us to know that we CAN surrender or whole selves to His hands and it will be better than we could imagine. A song that I have listened to almost daily the last few weeks - Casting Crowns - Just Be Held - is a song that I now use as my reminder to Surrender. 

A reminder to trust God with tomorrow and just be held today.  

May it be your reminder today, as well.