I don't know about you, but I sometimes fail to remember. I know this is something I have written about before, but I am human and need reminders every now and again. This week I remembered and again, I end the week AMAZED at the work of God.
Circa 1997?: Sparkie Jennica with my awesome Sparks leaders
and Cubbie Jori Anne. |
On Wednesday evening, we had an Awana Leaders Meeting. Towards the end of the evening our commander was talking about how you never know what kids you are influencing. The future Moms, Dads, Business owner, youth pastors, construction workers, etc are surrounding us. We never know what God will do with each of these little lives...only God does. But, for a few hours each week, WE get to influence them. We get to play, have fun, share Jesus with them and love these precious angels. Our Commander showed this picture. This is me probably 16 or so years ago. Back then I was simply a kid, playing hard and learning Bible verses but NO idea I would ever be influencing so many young lives for the rest of my life.
Flash forward to 2013. A fresh graduate and the one overseeing the Awana program at our church. Only God knew what He would be doing with my life. I had no idea, my parents had no idea and my Sparks leaders had no idea they were leading a future Elementary Ministries Director. Thank goodness only God knew that! There is so much comfort knowing that I simply OBEYED what God was calling me to do and he lead me to today. I wasn't an outstanding child, I disobeyed my parents, I got in trouble and thought that I knew what was best. But God used that. Today, I am twenty three years old, single and absolutely LOVING doing ministry full time. I get to influence so many children and the leaders that love them. I get to share Jesus with hundreds of students. I get to experience the joy of a child on a regular basis and I am reminded again why I do what I do.
2013: I get to spend my life loving students and sharing Jesus with
them!? Can this even be happening to me!? |
This week I remembered that I did nothing but simply OBEY. It is my prayer that this is how I live my life...everyday. Simply obeying where God is calling me to go, what God is calling me to do and who God is calling me to be. It has always been my dream to someday be a mom so I can spend my days loving little children and that is EXACTLY what I am doing. My heart is so full of joy right now and I am so amazed at how God moves. So for you, dear reader, what is God reminding you of? What has He walked you through? What has He shown his faithfulness in your life?
Tonight, I am remembering what God has done, is doing and look forward with much anticipation to what He will be doing as I continue this rocky journey called life. Thanks for walking with me as I daily fall more in love with my Faithful Heavenly Father.